Sunday, 4 August 2013

Get Dem Big Body Fat??

Hey good people,

I got a good question from a dude at the gym. He asked me how to get big and gain muscles fast. I think this question is all over the internet and youtube. He could just google it and tonnes of answers will appear, magically.Anyways, I would like to put my thoughts out there as well.

     First off, getting "BIG", this is on basically everyone's mind when they hit the gym. One thing that people don't usually get is, what is big? Being muscular like Ronnie Coleman is big, heck he's freaking huge, and then there is being fat, which is also big.

    For a skinny person, or an Ectomorph if you will. Generally skinny, fast metabolism, and a classic hard gainer. For this kind of person, getting big is to hit the gym but more importantly EAT. For Asians, we typically have 3 large meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner. Well here's the million dollar secret to get bigger!! Are you ready? Bump up your meals up to 6 or 7 times a day. Sounds crazy?? Hey you wanna get big, got to EAT BIG TO GET BIG man. Of course I'm not saying that your all of your 6 to 7 meals have to be as big as your meals 3 times a day. Hell NO, you would explode by the end of the day. Have 6 to 7 small meals, your meal size should probably be your fist size or slightly over. You want to some math? Here's some math for your meals.

Assume your Basic Metabolic rate (MR) is about 2000J

This is when you have your 3 meals per day. Lets say that per meal, you're eating 600 calories per meal. Therefore;

1 meal = 600 cal
3 meals= 1800cal

So by the end of the day, after all that 3 meals, you still have a remaining of 200 from your metabolic rate. Guess where it goes. It consumes your stored fats or worst, it consumes muscles.  

Now if you have 6 meals per day. 400 cals per meal

1 meal=400cal
6 meals= 2400 cals.

With 400 cals remaing in your body, you're gold man.

      With these 6-7 meals a day will be a shock to your metabolism. Since your eating more frequent than usual, your metabolism has to keep up with you. Someone actually told me that doing this will cause your metabolism to be tired because of the constant eating and thus your metabolism can die. Bullshit!! Eating 6-7 time at a frequency of 2-2.5 hours interval will cause your MR to be at a constant rate throughout the day. Plus if your metabolism dies, you die. Your metabolism will be "tired" and die if you constantly eat shit(unhealthy foods)  all the time. Your meals should be simple consisting of veges, carbs and protein. Personally, my meals are green veges, chicken breast/beef/fish and brown rice/potatoes. That/s it, simple stuff man. Life is complicated enough, make other things simple.

     What skinny guys eat is a different story. You can choose between a clean bulk or a partially dirty bulk. I will never recommend a Full Dirty Bulk because you will suffer. Clean Bulk consist of healthy clean foods like what I stated in the last paragraph, green veges, chicken breast/beef/fish and brown rice/potatoes or a partially dirty bulk which is still eating what is stated but you have several cheat meals throughout the week. Maybe 6-8 meals out of the 42 meals per week are Big Macs with fries or mac and cheese. You know, just eating whatever that is in front of your face.

To make it short if you want to gain weight, just google a calculator for your Basic Metabolic Rate, calculate your BMR and add in a another 400 to 500. Don't go above that.

So here's the rational of doing the above. you want to get a BIG BODY. Well the truth is, you won't get big with muscles alone, muscles don't grow like mushrooms. Arnold Schwarzenegger once said that if you gain 10lbs(5kg) of muscle a year, you're doing everything right. That means eating clean, sleeping more than 8 hours per day and constantly working out throughout the whole year. Yup, you and me ain't doing this right now. That's why we need the help of FAT to appear bigger. You think by drinking all those mass gainers is gonna get you 10lbs of muscles. Hell NO, Drinking those will get you 9lbs of fat and 1lbs of muscle. Therefore, increasing the amount of fat in your body will definitely make you bigger.

    The above is the eating part, now comes the muscles. It's much easier to explain. The muscles in the body only respond to one thing, stress. So with weight training, you are stressing the muscles, so the muscles respond by getting bigger and stronger after every session. Now, imagine your muscle is like a balloon, you blow a balloon, it get bigger, that's how a balloon respond to stress. Blowing a balloon is like your weight training, you put stress on the muscles. Then the air that goes into the balloon is like your blood pumping into the muscles filling it up with oxygen and nutrients. That's when you'll feel the pump. How does it respond? Both the balloon and your muscles increase in volume. This the famous PUMP  that you feel in the muscles. The tightness and pain you feel. This is where the phrase "No Pain No Gain" comes into play. The pump will make your muscles fuller, engorged and bigger. You will be SWOLE!! The balloon, once you fill it with air, it will deflate so will your muscles once you "lose" the pump, guess what, it "deflates' as well. Difference with muscles are that muscles rebuild, grow stronger, grow thicker with every weight training. Balloons Don't. So NEVER STOP HITTING THE WEIGHTS and you'll SEE and FEEL the RESULTS.

Next time, I'll probably touch on strategic muscles to build to look or appear bigger.

Train Hard, Eat Harder. 


#strength4good #eatbigtogetbig


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