Saturday, 10 August 2013

Get Dem Big ARMS

What's up people!!

Today, the topic is arms!! Get dem big ARMS. I love big arms as much as the next guy. I think the arms are the show-off muscle. It's all about the size of dem arms hanging out of the car window. I like working out my arms a little bit after training but Fridays are the days where I go full throttle on my arms to make dem big. Here are some of my personal favorite exercises that give me good pumps.

For Biceps:
1) Under-Hand Pull ups : This is my absolute favourite. Hook yourself on a bar, shoulder length, with your palms facing you. Then just pull yourself up. Sounds easy and sweet. You can do a variation with a close grip or shoulder length grip or even one handed. Best of all, equipments are free. Just go the park and latch yourself to a swing set and you're good to go. This exercise works your core, lats, biceps and shoulders. It's a great compound movement, keep in mind that you have to make sure that you feel the contraction at your biceps to maximize the work.

2) Seated Dumbbell Curls : Seat on a bench, pick the dumbbells up and start curling. Don't rock too much and make sure you squeeze at the top till your biceps feel like exploding.      

3) Rope Hammer Curls : Love this shit. See the picture below. remember to squeeze at the top. I always get a great pump at the end of this work set.

4) 21s: This is also an awesome shit. Your Biceps will feel like it's gonna explode. I personally like to use the curl bar instead of the straight bar. I feel that the curl bar lets me isolate the biceps more by reducing the use of the forearms. What I like to do is 3 sets of close grip and 3 sets of wide grip. Target the biceps like crazy.

5)  Overhead Rope Cable Presses: I usually do this at the end of my arm workout as a burnout and I really like doing this. Here's how I do it, since there are no pictures to illustrate. At the triceps pulldown station, reach for the rope, sit your ass down and with your arms suspended over your head, start curling. The motion is using your biceps to pull the weight down to your back. This is the shortened position of your biceps. If you were to do it right now, you'll fell the tension on your biceps and it feels like it's cramping up. Give if a good squeeze and go easy on the weights, because it may cause cramping. It's a nice way to end my biceps.   

For Triceps:
1) Dips: Absolute favourite exercise. This is one of those exercise that you can do anywhere. At a park, at home or at the gym. The one in the picture, I think is the best dips workout. It hits your chest, triceps and a little shoulders. I usually feel it in these three muscle groups when I do it. 


2) Overhead Triceps Dumbbell Extensions: This is some great stuff. Just get a dumbbell, old it above your head, descend your forearm to the back of your head at 90 degrees angle and extend it upwards. It's that simple. You can do it one handed or use both your hands. I like the latter.  You can do this seated or standing. Either way, you'll get some good action on your triceps.

3) Overhead Triceps Rope Extension: This is similar to the Overhead Triceps Dumbbell Extensions. Now you're using a rope. This is a great exercise. Really focuses on shaping that triceps of yours by pulling that rope apart. I have to say you'll get more concentrated pumps with this compared to the dumbbell extensions.

4) Skull Crushers : These are also a great exercise for the triceps. Do it as shown in the picture.This shit hits triceps hard and give some tension to your core, front delts and a little bit of chest. 

5) V-bar or Straight bar Triceps Pushdown: Grab a V-bar or a straight bar, hook it to the machine and start pushing away. However, I see this a lot in the gym, many rock their elbows back and forth and this doesn't target the triceps much, you're just working everywhere else but the triceps. The triceps don't get contracted properly. The thing is to keep your elbows by your side and really pushing and squeezing the triceps at the bottom. if you feel like it's gonna cramp, you're doing it right. Once the triceps are fully contracted, bring your hands back leaving the elbows in place but your forearms should be roughly 45 degrees from your biceps.

     Here are my 10 favourite exercises for arms. What I like to do is do them in superset or I do these exercises back to back. For example I do Under-Hand Pull ups and Dips back to back and that is considered 1 working set. With no nest in between. Non-stop action pumps. The reason I do this is to eliminate/tire out the opposing muscle so that the muscle I'm targeting is not depending on the opposing muscle at all.

    As you can see above I numbered the exercises number 1 for biceps goes with number 1 for triceps and the following numbers. I usually go in this order guys but I do switch it up. Do what feels good for you. I usually do about 5 sets of 8-10 repetitions for heavy week and 5 sets of 15-20 on my light weight week.I like to leave the gym and live my weekends with a pair of pumped up arms. 

Owhh yeah!! I forgot about forearms. I don't usually work forearms because it's already included in my power cleans, deadlifts and my other strength workout. I lift heavy ass weights. Since clean and jerk I cant use wrist straps, I can't start using them pre-competition. However I do do something to strengthen my grip. I get my ass to a pull up bar and I just put my fingers around it and hang there for a minute or more. I also loosen and squeeze my grip while I'm suspended. It pumps up the forearms real fast. It's some good pumps right there!! 

Reminder; Work both your biceps and triceps, in fact work on your triceps more because the triceps istwo thirds of your arm. SO Get Dem Swole and Get DEM BIG ARMS!!

Thanks for reading thus far. We have more good stuff coming soon. 



Get Dem Big is in no affiliation with any of the advertisers/stores/shops/products/brands. We are just giving our honest feedback and sharing our experiences 

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