Monday, 29 July 2013

Get Dem Big Quads

What's up good people!
Today is a good day for legs, especially the fan favourite Quads (quadriceps). Lets face it, everybody wants dem big quads. Like these
This not not my leg. This probably belongs to a bodybuilder and I'm not one. My legs are thick and it's undefined. I'm more of an athlete.

     Before we get to the workout for bigger dem big quads let me give you the brief story about this muscle group. This is your Quadriceps
That whole muscular system right there. It's your quad. So It's some big ass muscle group.

      To get it big, you got to stimulate the whole system. If you're doing isolation on certain parts or you're doing something to recruit individual muscle into performing individually instead of collectively. Sorry to say, you gonna have chicken legs. Best way we found to stimulate the quads is compound exercises that stimulates the quads.

So here's what we have.
Squats (front and back)
Lunges (weighted or no weights)- Quads
Deadlifts- Quads, hamstrings, core. check this shit out
Bunny Hop (Weighted or no weights)- works you quads and calfs
Power cleans - Quads, core, shoulders,

        If you're a bodybuilder, the you might like machines like leg presses, leg extension and all that jazz. Those are good ISOLATION exercises to stimulate the quads Machines like these removes the function of the core, abdominal, everything. It will make your muscles 'pop'.
But if you're training for performance, then the 5 exercises above are sufficient to get you big and strong quads. In our performance training program, we have a lot of heavy deadlifts, power cleans, power snatch and squats (we prefer the front squats). These are the main exercises we do to get bigger and stronger legs and we think that it is sufficient. However, our legs are not defined, rather they are thick and big.

That's our take on quads. We'll have another post about these exercises in detail.

SO GET DEM BIG ASS QUADS and remember, don't be like this dude.

This just looks wrong,

Anyways, thanks for reading this!!YOU KNOW WHERE YOU SHOULD BE TODAY!!
this is from gym freaks



#strength4good  #getdembig

Get Dem Big is in no affiliation with any of the advertisers/products/brands. We are just giving our honest feedback and sharing our experiences.We will not be held liable for the actions of readers. 


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