Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Get Dem Big with Universal Nutrition Creatine

What's up people!! We have a supplement review for you and today we're bringing Universal Nutrition's Creatine

Product: Universal Nutrition's Creatine

Ratings: 10/10

Type :Creatine

General overview: Check out the nutritional facts here

There's 200 servings per container. This is a simple supplement. all you need to know is that this product contains only creatine monohydrate and this has the Creapure label on it. You know it's good product if it's one of those German shit. 
5 grams in a beverage of your choice, shake it up and chug it down. Do not exceed the recommended serving size of 5g per day. 

Personal comment:
Creatine Monohydrate is the purest form of creatine out there. It's the must studied supplement out there. You can check it out in my previous blog post here.
I like this product because it's cheap and it does increase my energy. I find that i can hit an extra 2 reps to the point of failure and I also noticed that my muscles are fuller. The weights on my lifts also increased at a slightly faster rate compared to when I was not on creatine. I like this stuff. On my off days I use it in the morning while on my training days I use it post workout. The best part I'm paying a reasonable price for a good product.

Taste, mix-ability and texture : 
This product is unflavored and honestly you dont have to get the flavored ones which cost way more. I'm living on a tight budget and I dont' want to spend more on the flavored ones. This stuff does not dissolve easily. You have to shake it like it's your bitch. It may get a bit gritty. 

*you can get a measuring spoon at your local super market. Get the cheap ones, no need to be too fancy. Measurement are the same everywhere. 

Where can you get it? 
I got this at Musclemania Club for RM70.00 for 500g and I think it is a good price. Some brands has it at RM70.00 for only 300g.  

#strength4good #getdembig

Get Dem Big is in no affiliation with any of the advertisers/stores/shops/products/brands. We are just giving our honest feedback and sharing our experiences 

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