Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Get Dem Big with DEADLIFTS

What's up people!!
Today we bring you a great exercise that will help u build a stronger body!!

We have the DEADLIFT!!

This is a killer exercise, it works your core, it works you legs, it works your shoulders, It will tear you apart(metaphorically and literally because if done wrong, you can snap some shit up!)
This is some tough shit! hope you're ready or this!

So the breakdown of the Deadlift

Type: Strength
Main Muscle Worked: Lower Back
Other Muscles: Calves, Forearms, Glutes, Hamstrings, Lats, Middle Back, Quadriceps, Traps
Equipment: Barbell
Mechanics Type: Compound
Level: Intermediate
Force: Pull

How to do it?!

you know what, the best way to learn this movement is by watching it! We'll hook you up with videos from youtube, what we think are the best explanation for the deadlift. 

First off we have one from Elliott Hulse  

 Awesome detailed explanation of the deadlift above by Elliott Hulse. 

If the ones above are a little to many for you, you can check out , Deadlift short explanation
This video covers all the basis of a deadlift in a very short video. 
Warning: from this video, you can see that he does not keep his head straight in this video, instead he looks up. 
Please keep your head straight during the entire movement, or you might break some shit up. Dont look at yourself in the mirror when u are performing a deadlift. 


Personally the deadlift is my favourite exercise and the most effective exercise for strength gains. As you can see, it work all kinds of shit in your body. You want a strong, thick back?! Get you ass to the bars and do the deadlift. 
I always start my workout with deadlifts or power cleans (get back to that later). 

Here's what I do on my strength/back and leg day, (Mondays)
I start my deadlifts with 20kgs as my warm-ups (2 sets)
work set 1 : 40kg (2sets, 12 reps each)
work set 2 : 60kg (2sets, 10 reps   ")
work set 3 : 70kg (2sets, 7 reps      ")
work set 4 : 80kg (2sets of 5 reps   ")
work set 5: 90kg (2sets of 2 reps    ') This is my limit.
Then I go down the ladder with 1 set, till failure

After deadlifts I proceed to my workout
Pullups (4set till failure)
Barbell rows (4 sets of 10 reps)
V-bar Cable rows (4sets of 10 reps)
Leg Presses (6 sets of 10 reps)
3 position Calf raises (4 sets of 15 reps for each position)

Then, I'm done for the day

I've always participated in sports like Discus throw, javelin and the occasional hammer throws. After I started dead lifting, i feel like my back and my shoulders has more power. Especially when I do a spinning motion for discus throw, my lower back has more of a kick to it. 

1. Get the form down!!! Go with lighter weights when you first start dead lifting. Don't be a cocky dude with all kinds of snapped up shit.
2. Keep a neutral spine. What's a neutral spine?? Check this Awesome stuff with some pictures for you to see here
3. Don't round you back. It will injure your lower back.  KEEP YOUR SHOULDER BLADES TOGETHER and maintain THORACIC EXTENSION !!
4. If you have back issues, then don't do this exercise. We will not be held liable if you snap some shit up.


Get Dem Big is in no affiliation with any of the advertisers/products/brands. We are just giving our honest feedback and sharing our experiences.We will not be held liable for the actions of readers.

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