Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Get Dem Big with Ronnie Coleman Signature Series

What's up gang!!

I just received my new stack from the awesome people of Fitlion.com. Super Excited

The Ronnie Coleman Signature  Series. minus the mutant whey.

I'm actually surprise that the delivery only took 1 day. Last time I ordered, I got my stuff after 3 days. Keep up the awesome work.

        Anyways, I got this stack at a pretty good deal. RM250.00 I got RCSS Pro-Antium, Resurrect-PM and RCSS Sleeveless shirt. These 3 are the main items. But they also threw in 3 samples of Myo-blitz, 1 resurrect-PM sample, 1 ON Pre- and a 600ml bottle. Pretty good deal I would say. I'll have a review on these stuff once I dig in to them and I'll let y'all know how it was for me. 

As always, Don't forget to hit the gym do have your daily workout done to Get Dem Big Muscles.



Get Dem Big is in no affiliation with any of the advertisers/stores/shops/products/brands. We are just giving our honest feedback and sharing our experiences

Monday, 29 July 2013

Get Dem Big Monday

What's up gang!! I believe many of you who works out probably know Mondays as international chest day. And come on who doesn't love some big tits like these
so, it's time to get your ass up and workout TODAY! Not tomorrow, not next Monday. TODAY!!!

Have a great CHEST day!!!

Unfortunately for us we have no chest day because our coach will kill us if we have isolation exercises. SO today, we're doing our regular deadlifts, clean and jerk and power snatch.

Have a great Monday Workout!!

Get Dem Big team


pictures are from google and gym freaks/bodybuilding motivation

Get Dem Big Quads

What's up good people!
Today is a good day for legs, especially the fan favourite Quads (quadriceps). Lets face it, everybody wants dem big quads. Like these
This not not my leg. This probably belongs to a bodybuilder and I'm not one. My legs are thick and it's undefined. I'm more of an athlete.

     Before we get to the workout for bigger dem big quads let me give you the brief story about this muscle group. This is your Quadriceps
That whole muscular system right there. It's your quad. So It's some big ass muscle group.

      To get it big, you got to stimulate the whole system. If you're doing isolation on certain parts or you're doing something to recruit individual muscle into performing individually instead of collectively. Sorry to say, you gonna have chicken legs. Best way we found to stimulate the quads is compound exercises that stimulates the quads.

So here's what we have.
Squats (front and back)
Lunges (weighted or no weights)- Quads
Deadlifts- Quads, hamstrings, core. check this shit out
Bunny Hop (Weighted or no weights)- works you quads and calfs
Power cleans - Quads, core, shoulders,

        If you're a bodybuilder, the you might like machines like leg presses, leg extension and all that jazz. Those are good ISOLATION exercises to stimulate the quads Machines like these removes the function of the core, abdominal, everything. It will make your muscles 'pop'.
But if you're training for performance, then the 5 exercises above are sufficient to get you big and strong quads. In our performance training program, we have a lot of heavy deadlifts, power cleans, power snatch and squats (we prefer the front squats). These are the main exercises we do to get bigger and stronger legs and we think that it is sufficient. However, our legs are not defined, rather they are thick and big.

That's our take on quads. We'll have another post about these exercises in detail.

SO GET DEM BIG ASS QUADS and remember, don't be like this dude.

This just looks wrong,

Anyways, thanks for reading this!!YOU KNOW WHERE YOU SHOULD BE TODAY!!
this is from gym freaks



#strength4good  #getdembig

Get Dem Big is in no affiliation with any of the advertisers/products/brands. We are just giving our honest feedback and sharing our experiences.We will not be held liable for the actions of readers. 


Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Get Dem Big with Universal Nutrition Creatine

What's up people!! We have a supplement review for you and today we're bringing Universal Nutrition's Creatine

Product: Universal Nutrition's Creatine

Ratings: 10/10

Type :Creatine

General overview: Check out the nutritional facts here

There's 200 servings per container. This is a simple supplement. all you need to know is that this product contains only creatine monohydrate and this has the Creapure label on it. You know it's good product if it's one of those German shit. 
5 grams in a beverage of your choice, shake it up and chug it down. Do not exceed the recommended serving size of 5g per day. 

Personal comment:
Creatine Monohydrate is the purest form of creatine out there. It's the must studied supplement out there. You can check it out in my previous blog post here.
I like this product because it's cheap and it does increase my energy. I find that i can hit an extra 2 reps to the point of failure and I also noticed that my muscles are fuller. The weights on my lifts also increased at a slightly faster rate compared to when I was not on creatine. I like this stuff. On my off days I use it in the morning while on my training days I use it post workout. The best part I'm paying a reasonable price for a good product.

Taste, mix-ability and texture : 
This product is unflavored and honestly you dont have to get the flavored ones which cost way more. I'm living on a tight budget and I dont' want to spend more on the flavored ones. This stuff does not dissolve easily. You have to shake it like it's your bitch. It may get a bit gritty. 

*you can get a measuring spoon at your local super market. Get the cheap ones, no need to be too fancy. Measurement are the same everywhere. 

Where can you get it? 
I got this at Musclemania Club for RM70.00 for 500g and I think it is a good price. Some brands has it at RM70.00 for only 300g.  

#strength4good #getdembig

Get Dem Big is in no affiliation with any of the advertisers/stores/shops/products/brands. We are just giving our honest feedback and sharing our experiences 

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Get Dem Big with Creatine

What's up good people!! We are back and this time we're here to review another supplement: Creatine

          I bet y'all have heard a lot about creatine and its effect, side effect and all that jazz. Here's the deal, we're gonna breakdown the facts of creatine to its bare essentials. We're also putting links which we think have good explanations regarding this creatine topics. 

      Creatine is THE most studied supplement and it being the most studied it has a lot of information out there, so much so that you might get confused
1. Creatine reduces fatigue by transporting extra energy into your cells. Energy in the body are ATP(Adenosine triphosphate) and for muscle contraction it breaks off phosphate molecule; thus ATP=>ADP (Adenosine diphosphate). Creatine lends a phosphate molecule to the ADP thus forming ATP. In simpler terms, it is energy recycling. 
2. Creatine pulls water molecule into muscles: thus making muscles look fuller and bigger. 
3. Taking creatine may cause a slight dehydration. Drink more water if you're on creatine. 
4. Creatine does give you additional energy but you won't feel it right away nor would be like a surge of energy through your body. 
5. Creatine may take up to 4 hours to breakdown and for it to work. You might not even feel it work
6. It takes 2 weeks to get your muscles saturated. (Dosage of 5grams/1 teaspoon per day) 

Health precautions. 
Please consult your doctor or get yourself checked out before using creatine. If you don't have any kidney, liver or any health problems for that matter creatine is safe to use. Just dont exceed the recommended dosage perday. Read the instructions on the tub.  

     Here's our take on creatine. we are on creatine for about 7 months and we do feel that it is benefiting us in our training. We just take it with our protein powder in the morning. We'll do a review on our current creatine supplement. We do feel that we have more energy and power in our lifts. Our deadlift and power clean weights has increased at a higher rate compared to when we were training without creatine. I don't know whether the creatine gave us a mental edge or really gave us the physical edge. I can conclude that creatine does not give you a surge of energy like sugar does but it is more on the energy or power within the muscle and you can feel that you have more strength

Here are some links that we think are interesting and a good read on Creatine. 


Thanks for reading and see you next time with a supplement review on creatine! 



Sunday, 21 July 2013

Get Dem Big Strength


It's the weekend and I hope that y'all are doing something to get in shape and get dem muscles big.

Since it's the weekend we would like to keep your motivation up with these:

 Don't lse sight of your goals for simple pleasure. Aim long term!!

 Keep your eye on the prize, no matter what lies ahead. You Can Do It!!


If Sunday is your rest/cheat day, we hope that bringing these to you will get your asses to the gym tomorrow and hit 'em hard. You are the person in control of your life, so TAKE control and move forward to greatness!

Get Dem Big Fitness

"These photos are taken from Gym Freaks and Bodybuilding Motivation. We Do NOT OWN These pictures and the usage is purely for motivation purposes to help get people's asses up and GET DEM BIG."

Get Dem Big by setting GOALS

What up good people!! Today we are back with the topic of goal setting. Some might ask what's so hard about setting a goal? Some might even ask are goals even necessary?! Sometime there are questions like, what the hell is a goal? Two poles where you kick a ball through?!

     Look at it this way, say you're playing football, the goal is where you want to get to. Unfortunately the goal is on the other side of the field and to get there you need to go through all the other players.

     Similar to life, to get to your goal you need to go through all kinds of bullshit. However, your personal goals is/will not be as clear as the one on the field. To tell you the truth I've lived most of my life without a goal and I don't know what I want. I can say that I've been doing things for the sake of doing it and every time without fail I was living up to other people's expectation and when I fail, I get screwed. Not until when I was in college, got screwed by people and pushed around that I became a f**king renegade. It was the happiest realization i had, I just don't give a shit about what other people think what is best for me.

Let me help you by getting to your goal with these questions. In this case, starting to exercise or getting in shape. These questions can also be used in other context.
1. What are you expectations towards your self?
2.  What do you want to achieve? (give tangible qualities: How you feel? How much weight have you lost? Are you a stronger version of yourself? etc)
3. Why is all this important to you?
"If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live."
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Important things to take note;
i) Why are you doing this??
It is very important to know WHY you are doing something. Don't think of something superficial. find the deeper why.
ii) How are you going to do this?!
Find ways of doing what you want to do. There are many ways but all you need is one that is FOR YOU
iii) What are you willing to do to get what you want?!
Whatever it is, just DO something. 

Lastly, never ever lose sight of your goal. You will get what you want in time, but you have to go through HELL for that.

I hope this helps you in achieving whatever you want to achieve in any aspects of your life.

 "What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?? "

Get your ASS up and DO IT!!



Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Get Dem Big with DEADLIFTS

What's up people!!
Today we bring you a great exercise that will help u build a stronger body!!

We have the DEADLIFT!!

This is a killer exercise, it works your core, it works you legs, it works your shoulders, It will tear you apart(metaphorically and literally because if done wrong, you can snap some shit up!)
This is some tough shit! hope you're ready or this!

So the breakdown of the Deadlift

Type: Strength
Main Muscle Worked: Lower Back
Other Muscles: Calves, Forearms, Glutes, Hamstrings, Lats, Middle Back, Quadriceps, Traps
Equipment: Barbell
Mechanics Type: Compound
Level: Intermediate
Force: Pull

How to do it?!

you know what, the best way to learn this movement is by watching it! We'll hook you up with videos from youtube, what we think are the best explanation for the deadlift. 

First off we have one from Elliott Hulse  

 Awesome detailed explanation of the deadlift above by Elliott Hulse. 

If the ones above are a little to many for you, you can check out , Deadlift short explanation
This video covers all the basis of a deadlift in a very short video. 
Warning: from this video, you can see that he does not keep his head straight in this video, instead he looks up. 
Please keep your head straight during the entire movement, or you might break some shit up. Dont look at yourself in the mirror when u are performing a deadlift. 


Personally the deadlift is my favourite exercise and the most effective exercise for strength gains. As you can see, it work all kinds of shit in your body. You want a strong, thick back?! Get you ass to the bars and do the deadlift. 
I always start my workout with deadlifts or power cleans (get back to that later). 

Here's what I do on my strength/back and leg day, (Mondays)
I start my deadlifts with 20kgs as my warm-ups (2 sets)
work set 1 : 40kg (2sets, 12 reps each)
work set 2 : 60kg (2sets, 10 reps   ")
work set 3 : 70kg (2sets, 7 reps      ")
work set 4 : 80kg (2sets of 5 reps   ")
work set 5: 90kg (2sets of 2 reps    ') This is my limit.
Then I go down the ladder with 1 set, till failure

After deadlifts I proceed to my workout
Pullups (4set till failure)
Barbell rows (4 sets of 10 reps)
V-bar Cable rows (4sets of 10 reps)
Leg Presses (6 sets of 10 reps)
3 position Calf raises (4 sets of 15 reps for each position)

Then, I'm done for the day

I've always participated in sports like Discus throw, javelin and the occasional hammer throws. After I started dead lifting, i feel like my back and my shoulders has more power. Especially when I do a spinning motion for discus throw, my lower back has more of a kick to it. 

1. Get the form down!!! Go with lighter weights when you first start dead lifting. Don't be a cocky dude with all kinds of snapped up shit.
2. Keep a neutral spine. What's a neutral spine?? Check this Awesome stuff with some pictures for you to see here
3. Don't round you back. It will injure your lower back.  KEEP YOUR SHOULDER BLADES TOGETHER and maintain THORACIC EXTENSION !!
4. If you have back issues, then don't do this exercise. We will not be held liable if you snap some shit up.


Get Dem Big is in no affiliation with any of the advertisers/products/brands. We are just giving our honest feedback and sharing our experiences.We will not be held liable for the actions of readers.

Monday, 15 July 2013

Get Dem Big with Mutant Whey

Hey guys!! Welcome to our first supplement review. Today, we're reviewing Mutant Whey.

First off, I would like to say that Mutant certainly has a good hype. Endorsing supermutants like Rich Piana, Ron Partlow, Renaldo Gairy and others has  put Mutant products on the map in the bodybuilding supplement industry.

Anyways, let get on with

Ratings: 7/10

Product: Mutant Whey

Type    : Protein Powder, Whey Protein blend

Price range (we provide online shops with the cheapest price): RM155.00++ 
Nutritional content: Check it out here
Basically  per serving(1 scoop) you're getting:
140 calories
22g of protein,  per serving
17g of BCAAs (L-isoleucine and L-valine),  and Glutamine (per 2 scoops)
3.5g of fats 
7g of carbohydrates
2g of sugars
It also has MCT (multi-chained triglycerides) 

"Normal usage: Mix 2 level scoops with 250-450 mL of cold water, shake vigorously for 15-25 seconds, and slug it back!
Mutated usage: Mix 3 level scoops with 500 mL of cold water, shake vigorously for 15-25 seconds, and slug it back! 

I personally take one scoop because I'm on a budget. 
I take one in the morning, one post workout/midday and one before bed. Don't depend solely on this product as your protein source, eat natural, unprocessed food! *you wouldn't think i have to say this but you'll be surprised.

Personal comment: 

I think that this is a good product. I like its brand and the ideology could be a motivational factor to the customers especially with the I am Mutant Nation campaign. 
The price is reasonable, RM155.00 per bag with approximately 62 servings(per 1 scoop)  which puts it at RM2.50 per serving. 
However the protein content is only 22g, which is not that high if you compare it to other brands like ON 100% Gold Standrd Whey, Dymatize Elite Whey  or the original Gaspari Myofusion.

Taste, mix-ability and texture :
Taste (Chocolate and vanilla) i give a 6/10, not the best tasting chocolate or vanilla protein out there. Basically taste like the standard chocolate or vanilla protein powders out there. For the strawberry, i wouldn't recommend, it tastes like antibiotics.

This protein mixes quite well in water or milk. just shake it and it should be fine.
Texture wise, for 1 scoop its not that thick, its like your standard Milo. For me, it sits well in my stomach.

[Scoop Size]: ~36g

Where can you get it? : you can get this product from Fitlion or Egonutritions. Fitlion has a cheaper price..

Overall Mutant Whey is a good product and I would say that it's worth your money.
Get Dem Big with Mutant Whey!!



Get Dem Big is in no affiliation with any of the advertisers/stores/shops/products/brands. We are just giving our honest feedback and sharing our experiences